Stock Exchange Attack | Talat Hussain
Syed Talat Hussain The good news is that the Stock Exchange Attack was foiled from becoming a big catastrophe. Going by the preparation of terrorists, their arms, ammunition and the ready to eat meals (REMs) they looked set to make a longer stay in this financial nerve center of the country and extend the damage to the repute and image of the business and investment climate in Pakistan. Another good news is that the opposition in the assembly session on the budget roundly condemned the attack. You can ask what else can the Opposition do at any rate if not condemn it? Well, for a perspective, see this. Imran Khan’s usual take on terrorism during the previous government’s tenure used to be suggestions that such acts of terror were perhaps the handiwork of Nawaz Sharif’s alleged friends in India who wanted to help him in his times of political trouble. Beginning to wonder why whenever Nawaz Sharif is in trouble, there is increasing tension along Pakistan's borders and a rise i...